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Congratulations and what a beautiful toast. Any wrinntg/illustratiig partnership can pose numerous problems, but those that work (even those that have bumps along the way) should be talked about and studied carefully. Thanks for sharing. Jim
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Welcome to the bll-rwogod. I Look forward to checking out your posts, thanks for the invite. I find that it’s always refreshing to get the perspective of someone who grew up in a different part of the world.
That hits the target peyrcetlf. Thanks!
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Отдыхали на майские праздники в Турции. В "Сто дорог" нам посоветовали отель всей нашей большой компании.Очень довольны отдыхом и всем советуем.Обязательно придем еще раз.
Анна, Автозавод, ул.Ст.Производственников.